(We are not insulting Jesus Christ/his believers in this document but now his followers are a disgrace to his glory)
Christian Missionary frauds to plant ‘Jesus’ in Vedas exposed
Now as we see they are trying to organize FAKE healing programs. In these programs, the FRAUD performer calls out the name of JESUS and even cures deadly diseases likeBLOOD CANCER. The performers in the drama are given pratice in acting out the diseases and money for their performance. The rehearsal and other pratice section videos of these fraud performers were recently viral.
In most cases the diseased will have a Hindu or a Muslim name.
Marketing spirituality and God... These pastors don't even have self respect. A woman who sells her body because of hunger is a hundred times pure compared to these pastors and Christian healers.
Christian Missionaries after their failure in refuting Vedas and Hindu scriptures even after repeated attempts , their tactics to dupe naïve Hindus had changed. Now their attempt is to – To prove that Jesus arrival was prophesied in Vedas and there by Hindus should convert to Christianity. Following the path of these Christian propagandists , Jihadi’s are also trying die hard to plant their Allah and Muhammad into Vedas.
One of such claim by Christians propagandists in various forums as part of a organised conspiracy is as follows
If Krishna is a far cry from the superlative person of Jesus, there is another person in the Rig Veda who fits the comparison most. As there are 73 books in the Holy Bible, there are 10 books in the Rigveda. Ten mandalams. First nine mandalams refers to a God and presents methods of worship as rituals. In the tenth mandalam, besides this Lord Almighty, there is the mention about a man. The first born and only born son of the God. His name is ‘Prajapathy’ ( Pro generator).
Prajapathy, the son of the God comes to this world at the appropriate time. After coming to this world he travels around advising mankind, what is sin and what is not sin; what is to be done and what is not to be done; what is wrong and what is right. To those human beings, who accept his advises and obey his orders, he offers prosperity and peace in this worldly life and salvation at the time of their death. And being the completion of his venture to redeem mankind from sin, he gets sacrificed at the end his specified period on earth.
Prajapathy, the son of the God comes to this world at the appropriate time. After coming to this world he travels around advising mankind, what is sin and what is not sin; what is to be done and what is not to be done; what is wrong and what is right. To those human beings, who accept his advises and obey his orders, he offers prosperity and peace in this worldly life and salvation at the time of their death. And being the completion of his venture to redeem mankind from sin, he gets sacrificed at the end his specified period on earth.
In verse 7 chapter 90 of the 10th book of the Rigveda, the sacrifice of Prajapathy the Son of God, is well explained.
‘At the time of sacrifice, the son of God will be tightly tied to a wooden sacrificial post using iron nails by hands and legs, he will bleed to death and on the third day he will regain his life in a resurrection.” Evidently none of the avatars meets this description. Nor are they expecting another incarnation, which will fit the description and attributes
Shri KM Rajan’s Rebuttal
Now let us counter the allegation verse by verse.
Allegation 1. In verse 7 chapter 90 of the 10th book of the Rigveda, the sacrifice of Prajapathy the Son of God, is well explained.
‘At the time of sacrifice, the son of God will be tightly tied to a wooden sacrificial post using iron nails by hands and legs, he will bleed to death and on the third day he will regain his life in a resurrection.”
Reply : This Hymn is from Purusha Sooktham of Rig Veda. It is repeated in Yajurveda also. The meaning of this Hymn is as follows “O men know Him, the perfect God, existent before the creation of the world, and highly adorable, Him the learned, the yogis and the Rishis realize in the innermost recesses of their hearts, and worship as directed by the Vedas preached by Him!’ There is no mention of cruzification by nails, bleed to death, resurrection etc.
Allegation 2 : “sa paryaghachachukrama virunamsnaviram shudhhama papavittham kavirmanishi paribhur swayambhur yadhatha ityadhorthan viyadhadhacha chiviyaha samabhyaha”
Reply : This manthra is from Isavasyopanishat (also the 8th manthra of 40th chapter of Yajurveda). Its meaning is “God is All pervading, Lustrous, Bodiless, Flawless, Sinewless, Pure, unpierced by evil. He is omniscient, knower or the hearts of all, censurer of the sinful, and self-existent. He truly reveals through the Vedas all things for His subjects from His immemorial attributes, free from birth and death” Nowhere here the Jesus seems to have any resemblance. The description of the Supreme God mentioned in the referred Upanishads also do not substantiate the biblical view of God.
The Hymns of Purusha Sooktham mentioned in the articles and their concept of meaning can only foolish those who do not know basic Sanskrit knowledge. See a classic example (this I already pointed out in reply to Allegation 1 above). In vedic literatures, the word yagya is not similar to the meaning of sacrifice as being followed by Christians and Muslims (for them sacrifice means killing of men or animals as an offering to God!).
Vedas totally prohibits killing of any creatures for any purpose including food needs also. The Prajapathi mentioned in Vedas do not have any resemblance with the man God Jesus!
( The explanation of the hymns are in the next paragraphs )
Lets read...
" Before there was anything there were the primeval waters. These seas were vast and deep and dark; all that was, was Non Being.
Over time, these waters produced a single golden egg, which floated over the waters for nine months.
After nine months, the egg burst open, and there was Prajapati standing in its shell. Prajapati was neither male nor female, but an all-powerful combination of both. He rested there on the golden shell for almost a year without speaking or moving.
After one year he broke his silence. The first word he spoke - the Word - became the earth.
The next Word he uttered became the sky, which he divided into seasons.
Prajapati could see forever; from the beginning of all life and even to his own death, which would be 1,000 years later. Yet Prajapati was lonely and he desired a mate in this vast emptiness.
He divided himself into two beings, a husband and a wife, and together they created the first gods, the elements and mankind. By these acts of creation, time was created; Prajapati became the embodiment of time itself.
The first to be born was Agni, the God of Fire. Once there was fire, there was also light, which Prajapati separated into day and night.
Other gods were born, including the evil Ashuras and beautiful Dawn. Prajapati was sure to separate good from evil, and hid his evil offspring deep into the earth.
However, Prajapati desired his lovely daughter Dawn, and as she was on earth in the form of a deer, he came to her disguised as a stag.
She tried to flee but Prajapati was too fast and powerful.
" He produces a number of children including a daughter, Ushas (“dawn”) who he then attempts to do a lil’ incest on/with. Now, when Ushas sees Prajapati coming at her in a lustful rage, she transforms herself into a deer and hauls ass out of there. Prajapati, to match her speed, turns himself into a stag, and catches up to do the deed. The offspring they have, predictably, is a baby deer. This cycle repeated itself not once, not twice, but 200-bajillion times; every time Prajapati got the urge, Ushas would pick a different female form and run, and Praj’ would pick the corresponding male form, catch her, and make a baby in said form. In this fashion, Prajapati and Ushas gave rise to all living creatures, including man.
The above passage tells us that the divine dual ( Shiva and Shakthi ) took incarnations and all beings around us and we ourselves are their images. Every male is Parampurusha and female is Paramprakriti manifestations connected to the world with the chains made from Punya, Paapa and Karma.
She later gave birth to all the beings of the world.
The other gods watched, filled with horror- Prajapati’s act was disgraceful, breaking the most profound taboo they could imagine.
In anger they created the monstrous Rudra, who hunted Prajapati down all over the earth.
When he found him, he shot him with an arrow and flung him into the dark sky.
Thus Prajapati became the ‘Deer’s Head’ (Capricorn) constellation in the night sky.
Dawn returned to the sky but never got too close to the night."
( The explanation for the hymns above )
At first there was Brahman (Purusha ), now multiple universes were created and Brahman got inside each universe. Now Brahman ( Purusha) manifested as Purusha Shiv and Prakriti Shakthi. They together created the golden egg.There was only water in the universe then. In the water, a gigantic egg (anda) appeared. Now Shiv Shakthi after creation returned to the spiritual reclaim, Shivlok. Now to protect the Golden egg, Purusha again manifested and slept in water (Nara) forming a being called Narayana. Brahma Prajapati emerged from this egg. Inside the egg were also all the worlds that would be created. After one year he broke his silence.
The first word he spoke - the Word - became the earth. The next Word he uttered became the sky, which he divided into seasons. Prajapati could see forever; from the beginning of all life and even to his own death, which would be 1,000 years later. Yet Prajapati was lonely and he desired a mate in this vast emptiness.
He divided himself into two beings, a husband and a wife, and together they created the first gods, the elements and mankind. By these acts of creation, time was created; Prajapati became the embodiment of time itself.
"Ten sons were also born to Brahma. Created from Brahma‘s mental powers, they all became sages. Their names were Marichi, Atri, Angira, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Pracheta, Vashishtha, Bhrigu and Narada. There were others too who were born. Daksha was born from Brahma‘s right toe. And the god Dharma was born from his chest.
But for further creation to continue, Brahma created two beings from his body, one was male and the other was female. The male half was named Svayambhuva Manu and the female half was named Shatarupa..." - Puranas.
Lord Rudra is the material representation of Purusha Shiva who took human form to teach the creation Sanadhana Dharma, yoga, tantra and other self enlightening activities.
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Lord Rudra ( Shivarishi) |
According to later beliefs in the post-Vedic Era, the Prajapatis were elected democratically. At first Lord Bràhma was elected as Prajapati (in the west of Aryavarta or Bharata), Lord Vishnu was then elected democratically/unanimously as Prajapati (in the East of Aryavarta or Bharata) by all the Rishis and subjects of that era and sat on the throne of Prajapati. Thereafter, Lord Shankar (in the South of Aryavarta or Bharata) or Rudras were elected as Prajapatis. The throne of Prajapati succeeded further and there were about 26 Prajapatis, as mentioned in later puranas
In later times, he is identified with the personifications of Time, Fire, the Sun, etc. He is also identified with various mythical progenitors, especially (Manu Smrti 1.34) the ten lords of created beings first created by Brahmā, the Prajapatis Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Vasishtha, Prachetas or Daksha, Bhrigu, Nārada.
The Mahabharata mentions, in the words of celestial sage Narada, 14 Prajapatis
Lets see the first incident...
When Prajapati Brahma was creating the universe, he made a female deity known as Shatarupa (literally śata-rūpā, she of a hundred beautiful forms). According to the Matsya Purana, Shatarupa was known by different names, including Satarupa, Sandhya, or Brahmi.
Hindu mythology uses her story to explain Brahma's four heads. When Brahma created Shatarupa, he was immediately infatuated and pursued her wherever she went. Shatarupā moved in various directions to avoid his gaze but wherever she went, Brahmā developed another head until he had four, one for each direction of the compass. Desperate, Shatarupa leaped over him to stay out of his gaze even for a moment.
A fifth head, however, appeared above the others. Thus, Brahmā developed five heads. At this moment LORD RUDRA appeared, cut off the top head and determined that since Shatarupā was Brahma's daughter (being created by him), it was wrong and incestuous of Brahma to become obsessed with her. He directed that there be no
proper worship in India for the "unholy" Brahma.
Daksha Prajapati , descendant / Son of Brahma Prajapati was a great devotee of Mahavishnu. He had great hate towards Lord Rudra and also showed disrespect in all manner. The incident is happened when Daksha had not invited Lord Rudra in a Mahayagya conducted by him in which he invited every being except Lord Rudra. He also did no sacrifice in his name. And later after Devi Sati ( daughter of Daksha Prajapati) jumped into the yagya fire and took her life as she was not able to see her husband insulted. Infuriated Rudra sent his Gana army with Nandi and Lord Veerbharda ( a form of Lord Rudra himself) to destroy the yagna and punish anyone who goes against them. Veerabhadra slashed down Daksha Prajapati's head and later Lord Rudra placed the head of a goat on his head and gave life to him.
The initial sacrifice was that of the divine being PURUSHA sacrificing himself to become the universe. The ancient vedic hymn Purusha Sukta tells of the transformation of the eternal, infinite being into the finite cognizable material world, initiating the eternal cycle of creation. So the spirit of sacrifice came to be recognized as the source of creation, the heart of all creative forces.
This yajna was called sarvahut, the offering of all. The Purusha was the object of worship. Brahma, the creative aspect of the Purusha, performed it. The priests were the devas, the Purusha's senses. Brahma was the beast of the sacrifice. The altar was all of nature. The fire was the Purusha's heart. The Purusha himself was sacrificed to bring forth all of creation. This is a message of love, that the Purusha would consume himself in the fire of sacrifice, to create all the worlds. From his mind emerged the moon, the sun from his eyes, Indra and Agni from his mouth, and the cosmic breath, Vayu emerged from his breath (prana). Atmosphere emerged from his navel, the sphere of light (divyaloka) from his head, the earth from his feet, the directions from his ears. The devas created all the spheres (lokas) from his cosmic body. Thus the gods worshipped the god of gods through sacrifice. The original sacrifice, the original yajna, became the law of life.
When Brahma Prajapathi created the world, he also created the Yajnas for performance of men. " Continue to perform the yajnas. Live well as a result of the benefits that would follow. Regard this Yajna as Kaamadhenu" says the Bhagavad Gita.
In Yagna, the chant of a mantra pertaining to a particular deva calls forth that Deva. Those who are spiritually evolved can see them in person. Even if not visible to the naked eye, their presence will be subtly felt. Even so, directly offering oblation to them is not proper. Only oblations made in Agni, along with the chant of the prescribed mantras, will make them assume the form in which they become acceptable to the Devas.
One must not wonder as to how the oblations can reach their destination when fire has consumed most of them and the rest has been eaten by the performer of the Yajna as Prasad. The Devas donot have bodies physically constituted like ours by the five elements ( Earth, water, fire, sky,air). They dont need the type of material food that we consume. Even for us, the digestive organs convert the food into different forms before absorption by the body, In the same way, the sacrificial fire converts the oblation to a subtle state before carrying it to the Devas.
"You please the DEvas through Yajnas - Let the devas please you by rains and such other things. Thus, helping each other may you prosper".
It is very interesting that the Christian propagandists are now willing to accept that Vedas originated even before their Bible and Jesus. It will also be interesting to search the truth that the life of Jesus was missing from his age 13 to 30 yrs from history books.
In his research book titled ‘Christianity is Krishnanity’ by renowned historian and INA veteran Late Sri. PN Oak clearly proved with strong evidence regarding this view. Since our missionary brothers started acknowledging the Vedas, it is right time for them to study more on Vedas, Hinduism and return to their parent religion i.e. Vedic Religion!
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